Husqvarna Group is the world's largest producer of outdoor power products including robotic lawn mowers, garden tractors, chainsaws and trimmers. The Group is also the European leader in consumer watering products and one of the world leaders in cutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries.
Stiga is our flagship and premium brand; it is the one with the longest history and tradition. Since 1934, when Stig Hjelmquist founded the brand in Sweden – Tranås, it came up with innovative solutions pioneering advanced engineering in consumer products. Stiga has a significant market position in all relevant European markets due to the 15 subsidiaries and claims a strong distribution network across the full range of distribution channels. Stiga's products are produced in Sweden, Italy, Slovakia and China.
Since its founding in 1837, John Deere has seen a great many changes in its business, its products, its services. Change always comes with opportunity. And Deere has always been ready and willing to embrace it. Yet, through it all, John Deere is still dedicated to those who are linked to the land – farmers and ranchers, landowners, builders, and loggers. And Deere has never outgrown, nor forgotten, its founder's original core values. Those values determine the way we work, the quality we offer, and the unsurpassed treatment you get as a customer, investor, employee.
Since its foundation in1926, ISEKI has contributed to the modernization of Japan's agricultural industry as a full-line manufacturer specializing in farming machinery. During this time, we have consistently pursued efficient and laborsaving advances in agriculture, and have served the market by pioneering the development of a great deal of agricultural machinery.
De naam ELIET brengt ons terug naar de stichter en bezieler van de firma. Als samentrekking van de voornaam en familienaam van de stichter van ELIET drukt EMIEL LIETAER reeds van in het begin zijn stempel op het bedrijf. In 1947 werd Emiel geboren in een familie van 8 generaties smeden. Als kind groeide hij op tussen de landbouwmachines en bouwde hij een ruime technische bagage op tijdens stages in een aantal Franse en Duitse machinefabrieken. Trouw aan zijn roots startte Emiel een metaalconstructie-atelier op, dat zich op de bouw van stalinrichting toelegde.
The Nilfisk-ALTO brand is owned by Nilfisk-Advance A/S, who has been developing cleaning machines for over 100 years and is one of world's leading manufacturers of professional cleaning equipment. Our headquarters is in Denmark and we have sales companies in all main European countries, North America and Asia. Our manufacturing facilities are in Hungary, China, Italy, the USA, Singapore, Denmark and Germany. We supply quality High Pressure Washers, Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Care Equipment to agriculture, automotive and industrial companies, cleaning contractors and private consumers.
While not the best known, Maruyama is still a leading manufacturer of commercial-grade power equipment for agriculture, landscape maintenance, disaster control and industry. We’ve been innovators in the design and manufacture of pump and engine technologies for over a century. Our’s is a history that’s defined by bootstrap spirit, a passion for excellence and an unwavering commitment to produce tools designed to work for a living. The best is rarely the best-known. That’s okay, we’re in it for those who appreciate the difference. We are Maruyama.
Following the merger of the manufacturers Tünnissen and Saelen Industrie within the S.E.E Group in December 2009, the two entities have decided to join forces under one powerful brand: TS INDUSTRIE™. With this new brand, the manufacturer can today claim to be the European market leader of mobile wood chippers and shredders. With an extended product range, previously unseen in this field, the brand TS INDUSTRIE™ highlights the expertise of these two manufacturers and reinforces their desire to merge.
Power, best quality and safety - this is why craftsmen all over the world trust in Metabo. Get more information about us and our company philosophy. Come with us and have a look at the biggest and hardest construction sites of the world and fling a look behind the sceneries of product design at Metabo.
Zaman NV is exclusief invoerder en/of verdeler van 3 Europese topmerken in reinigingstoestellen: de Italiaanse groep IP Cleaning, de Deense fabrikant Denjet en het Dustcare assortiment van de Britse stofzuigerfabrikant Numatic.
Agri-Fab® lawn products are designed for homeowners who want a beautiful lawn and want the job of lawn care to be easy. You can always be sure when purchasing an Agri-Fab® lawn care product it’s made by people who care and will always help make your lawn beautiful and easier to maintain.
BIRCHMEIER® is de Zwitserse producent van hoogwaardige kwaliteits spuitapparatuur. Sedert 1876 ontwikkelt en produceert Birchmeier spuitapparatuur voor de meest uiteenlopende toepassingen. DCM Nederland BV is distribuant voor Nederland. Vanuit haar vestiging verzorgt DCM Nederland BV de distibutie door heel Nederland.
Our quality is the distinguishing feature in a highly competitive market situation that is increasingly dominated by the price fight with mass produced articles. Our brand is the symbol of our constant effort to produce durable equipment. In our eyes, a SOLO mower, SOLO pressure sprayer, SOLO chainsaw or any other SOLO product is a success when that SOLO machine has operated without problems for many years and will prompt the customer to purchase further SOLO machines. Exemplary, classic quality models from the house of SOLO.
Door constant te streven naar klanttevredenheid - in de ruimste zin van het woord - en door het leveren van topkwaliteit, is de firma nu de grootste fabrikant van kleine stroomaggregaten en lasaggregaten in de Benelux. EUROPOWER speelt in op de noden van de markt en blijft zo aan de eisen van de klant voldoen. Om de kwaliteit steeds te verbeteren, heeft ons bedrijf geïnvesteerd in de markt, de klanten, het personeel, de kwaliteit van ons product en de voortdurende opvolging van het volledige proces.
De machines die Vogesen Blitz aanbiedt zijn eveneens zo: stevig, betrouwbaar en ontwikkeld om lang mee te gaan. Frankrijk vormt met zijn 450 gespecialiseerde kleinhandelaars al jaar en dag de grootste afnemer van Vogesen Blitz. Maar ze bevinden zich in de eerste plaats in het hart van Europa, niet alleen geografisch gezien maar ook omdat de machines verkocht worden van Noorwegen tot Spanje en van Ierland tot Roemenië.
Tuinadvies over tuinontwerp, tuinaanleg en tuinonderhoud en honderden artikelen over bloemen, planten en tuinieren.